Forests are the lungs of our earth Most reforestation efforts involve transplanting plantlets grown in nurseries. Global TreeGro is currently developing a multi-layer module
Forests are the lungs of our earth Most reforestation efforts involve transplanting plantlets grown in nurseries. Global TreeGro is currently developing a multi-layer module

Our Mission

“To offer an economical option to build better forests by growing stronger trees from the roots up in microenvironments.”

What We Do

Global TreeGro was established to commercialize its proprietary reforestation technology designed to address the increasing need for smart forestry solutions. The innovative technology is proposing to reshape global reforestation by not only growing healthier and strong trees but by also saving on cost, site prep, time and physical labour. The Company is based out of Calgary, Alberta.

At Global TreeGro, we recognize the importance of forests. Forests are essential to our everyday living; they provide us clean air and wood. In addition to providing jobs around the globe, forests also offer watershed protection, and prevent soil erosion. Forestry is faced with many challenges, some manmade, others caused by climate change and/or natural disasters. We are seeing devastating fires, insect infestations, and deforestation. Our goal is to be part of the solution that can help plant one trillion trees worldwide.


Global TreeGro + Canada = success!

Help overcome major issues in Canadian Forestry.
Aim is to reduce tree planting costs.
Hire Canadians.
“Based out of Canada” including a research, manufacturing and warehousing facility.
Increase Carbon Absorption.
Work with the Natural Resource companies. Not against them.

Ready to plant trees?